How to Overhaul Your Seasonal Wardrobe

How to Overhaul Your Seasonal Wardrobe

Winter is almost here and it’s time to start breaking out those sweaters and coats! As the weather changes, so should your closet.  Rotating your wardrobe for the colder months is a great way to stay organized and store those summer items for next year. This process is a perfect time to take inventory of your clothing and purge items you are no longer using. Here are a few tips to make this something you look forward to doing every season!

1. Categorize

Take out all your summer items that you won’t use in the winter and put them into categories. Gather all of  your swimwear together, all shorts together, all summery dresses together (you get the idea!) Once you’ve separated everything you’re on to the next step!

2. Purge

Now that everything is sorted it makes it so easy to see the number of items in each category and more importantly to see WHAT you are actually WEARING.  If you have multiples, think about which items you prefer or which ones you reach for the most. A few questions to ask yourself when going through your closet are: 

  • “Does this still fit?” 

  • “Have I worn it in the last year?”

  • “Do I love it?”  

If you answered no to any of these questions you probably won’t wear it in the future, and it will just take up valuable space in your closet. 


3. Store

Hopefully by this step you have gotten rid of items that don't work in your wardrobe anymore. Once you’ve decided what you’re going to keep for next season, you can decide how you’d like to store it.  If you have space in your closet to store your entire wardrobe, rotate the current season's clothes to a more accessible place - like the front of the closet or on a lower shelf.  If your closet feels too stuffed, we recommend maintaining those categories you’ve set up in Step 1 and putting them into storage bins with corresponding labels.

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