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10 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Life

The idea of getting organized and living clutter-free is appealing to most people, but it can definitely be overwhelming. One of the biggest reasons we hold onto our clutter is because we’re not sure when we can get rid of stuff. Most items don’t come with an expiration date. So, once we bring something into our home, we tend to want to make use of it, even if we clearly have no need for it. Living with physical clutter can cause you to feel overwhelmed, but decluttering can help you quickly take back your home and your life. Here are 10 things you might be holding on to that it's time to let go of.

1. Pens That Don't Work

Pens seem to multiply so quickly. I swear I never remember buying pens, yet I own so many! Take a moment to throw out any pens or pencils that no longer work or are out of ink. Don’t spend time forcing a pen to write – if it doesn’t write in the first couple of scribbles, toss it.

2. Old Birthday Cards

There is a difference between keepsakes and clutter. You may choose to hold on to a hand-made creation or a heartfelt hand-written note written in a card you received from a loved one. However, don't feel obligated to keep a generic Hallmark card with just a signature inside. Enjoy these cards for what they are, and then let them go.

3. Tupperware Without Lids

Declutter those containers that are warped, stained badly, or that don't have lids (or lids that don't have containers anymore). And if you've got a lot, keep the quality stuff and let go of the junky ones. 

4. Any Info You Can Easily Get Online

Getting rid of paper clutter is so easy these days! You can access so many things online, including most financial statements, take out menus, and owner's manuals.

5. Expired Pantry Items

The first step to an organized pantry is to purge all expired items. While you are at it, go ahead and get rid of any food that you tried, but didn't like. Don't let these items take up valuable space in your pantry.

6. Junk Mail

Keep three bins by your door in the garage -- one for recycling, one for trash, and one for shredding. This allows you to get rid of as much mail as you can before you even bring it in your house. To stop unwanted junk mail you can also unsubscribe from catalogs and opt out of all others kinds of offers through DMA Choice and the Consumer Credit Reporting's Opt-Out Program.

7. Clothes That Don't Fit

There are some pieces of clothing that you avoid because you hate the way it looks on you, it doesn't fit properly, or the color does not compliment you. Give yourself permission to let it go and free up some space in your closet. Everything you own should be something you like and would wear.

8. Sports Trophies

Let's be honest, half of the trophies you get as a kid are for participation. However, if you do have awards that are important and that you want to hold on to, consider keeping only the ones that are meaningful and put them on display. Another option is to take a picture of each trophy. Create a photo album of all of your accomplishments, and get rid of the clutter! For those trophies you are willing to part with, instead of tossing the item directly into the trash, we recommend calling your local trophy shop and asking if they recycle old trophies.

9. Broken/Unused Toys

Toys that are broken or missing pieces can be tossed, but if your toys are in good working order you could try to sell them or donate them. Many places gladly accept gently used toys. Try contacting your local thrift stores, charities, shelters, daycares, pediatrician offices, or social services to find out where to drop off toy donations.

10. Anthing That Makes You Feel Sad or Guilty

Guilt associated with holding on to something just because you paid a lot of money for it or someone gave it to you could be the cause of some of the clutter in you life. Or perhaps you may believe that holding on to items will somehow shield you from the pain of loss or grieving. But when we’re holding on to emotional baggage, it can literally become physical baggage we carry around with us. Letting go of your stuff will give you some much needed freedom from the guilt and sadness associated with these items.

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